Karalee Library Pod
Open 24/7
The Ipswich Libraries self-service Pod is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Located outside Coles in the Karalee Shopping Village, Junction Rd Karalee.
Using your mobile phone or library card, you can browse, borrow and return books, as well as reserve books online and collect them at your convenience. The Library Pod offers a curated collection of multiple copies of our most popular and trending books, in beautiful, easy to use, self-serve cabinets.
The Pod also features a large touch screen where customers can view a selection of e-books, e-magazines and e-audio collections that can be downloaded via the Ipswich Libraries App.
Ipswich Libraries Pod was a first for Public Libraries in Australia. We are proud to continue to provide innovative solutions in delivering high quality Library services for the Ipswich City community.

General Information
What services does the Pod offer?
- Sign up as an Ipswich Libraries member
- Borrow up to 20 items from a curated collection
- Return Ipswich Libraries items
- Collect reservations from the Pod
How do I use the Pod?
- Scan your Library membership card or Ipswich Libraries App
- The cabinet door will open
- Select books/return books
- Push the green button to close the door
- Removed books are automatically checked out to your account
- Returned books are automatically checked in on your account
Do I need to be a Library member to use the Pod?
- Yes, however you can sign up on the spot using the Ipswich Libraries App.
Will I receive a membership card when joining at the Pod?
- You receive a virtual card to use with the app, however if you would like a physical Library card, just drop into your closest branch.
What is the loan period?
- Standard loan period of 4 weeks applies to Pod items
- Standard renewal period of 2 weeks applies to Pod items
Will I receive a printed receipt?
- No, you can check loans and due dates using your account online and via the Ipswich Libraries App.
How many cabinets does the Pod have?
- 2 cabinets for browsing/borrowing
- 1 cabinet for returns and reservations
How often will new titles be available?
- New titles will be available every month
What collections will be available on the Pod?
- Mostly Top 20 Adult Fiction, with some Top 20 Adult Non Fiction
Will there be any Children’s titles?
- During the initial launch phase of the pod there will only be a limited number of children’s books. This may change in the future.
- You can reserve Children’s books for pick up at the Pod.
Will audio and audio-visual items be available on the Pod?
- AV items are only available by reservation, they are not being stocked in the Pod.
How do I reserve an item?
- Visit Ipswich Libraries website, search the title, view availability and place reservation.
How will I find my reservation?
- Reservations will be packaged in brown paper with your name on the spine and displayed in alphabetical order.
What is the turnaround time for reservation delivery?
- Turnaround time is 2 – 4 days.
How long will the reservations be available at the Pod to collect?
- 5 days.
What if my reservation is not in the cabinet?
- Please contact Ipswich Libraries on 3810 6815 to report the issue.
Can Pod items be reserved?
- No, Pod items cannot be reserved.
- Items from other branches can be reserved and the Pod selected as the collection location.
Can items borrowed from other branches be returned to the Pod?
- Yes, all items can be returned there.
What happens if the Reservation and Returns cabinet is at capacity?
- You can return books to the other cabinets, or to an alternative Library branch.
What happens if the returned items are too large to fit in the cabinet?
- You may return oversized items to the Pod, however there is a risk that the item is not successfully checked in and remains on your account.
- You may choose to return the item to an alternative Library branch.
What if I leave my card, wallet, or phone in the Pod?
- Select ‘Start’ on the cabinet
- Type in your card barcode number or user name
- The door will open so you can retrieve the item
- Otherwise, please contact Ipswich Libraries on 3810 6815 to report the issue.
How can a I report an issue with the Pods e.g. vandalism, malfunction?
- Please contact Ipswich Libraries on 3810 6815