Your Privacy
The Ipswich City Council libraries and its agents collect personal information. This information is collected in accordance with Ipswich City Council’s Privacy Statement and Personal Information Digest; these documents are found on Ipswich City Council’s website or on request.
Ipswich Libraries endeavors to provide an unbiased source of knowledge, information and ideas through a comprehensive and balanced collection – both in print and online – while responding to a broad range of community needs. The collection includes material in print, audio-visual, and digital formats. The service is obligated to comply with the decisions made under State and Federal Law, including those by the Australian Classification boards.
Ipswich Libraries supports and endorses the Joint Statement from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and the Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA) in support of free access to information in Australian Libraries.
Supervision of material read or accessed by persons under 18 years of age remains the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.
Complaints and Challenges
If you believe you have found material in our catalogue or on our Ipswich Libraries website/s which you have not given permission to be made available, and/or which contravenes privacy laws, is defamatory, is in breach of copyright law or subject to conditions under Queensland classification laws please contact us here.