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Bile Beans: the power behind the throne

I read with much amusement an advertisement from the Queensland Times dated the 30th June 1898, it reads as follows:-

Woman’s Power  – “The Power behind the Throne”

The power of a beautiful woman over men is a thing often commented on, but the woman must be beautiful. A woman is only beautiful and powerful under certain conditions, the most stringent of which is good health, a thing, unfortunately, which is very hard to find among women of to-day. Marriage is on the decline, we are told, and one of the chief reasons for this is that the average man is very hard to satisfy. He wants as nearly perfect a woman, mentally, morally, and physically, as is possible, and in the present day very few such women exist. It is not our purpose to deal with the first two attributes mentioned; but the latter, which is by no means the least important, is well worth a few words which cannot fail to be of interest to all women, married or single.

The woman of to-day does not give herself enough attention in the proper direction; a little time taken from the study of the latest fashions and complexion powders and given to the perusal of medical works with regard to the female organs would do her a wonderful lot of good. Woman is so constituted that it takes but very little to disarrange the delicate organs of her composition. In consequence she suffers more or less pain at least for a few days periodically and in some cases all the time. Her sufferings make her morose and bad tempered, and thoroughly unfit to be a companion to her husband or mother to her children. An amiable wife is a constant source of enjoyment to her husband, helping him to bear the worry and cares of business, and cheering his waning spirits. A little care and attention will prevent or at least minimise greatly the sufferings many women go through. Great caution should be used as to the medicines taken; as many of the vile concoctions manufactured now as a cure for all female ailments are more harmful than otherwise, acting in a most violent manner.  One of the great beauties of Bile Beans is the gentle manner in which they act, and no woman need fear taking them, as they perform the work in a most soothing way and cause no inconvenience at all. They will greatly benefit all who suffer from female ailments, and often prove efficient in working a cure where all other remedies have failed.

All liver, stomach, and female ailments are cured by this wonderful remedy, and such complaints as biliousness, sick and nervous headache, indigestion, constipation, piles, female weakness, pale-faced girls, irregularities, bad breath, pimples, blotches, dizziness, all liver and kidney troubles, dyspepsia, heart palpitation, pain in back and side, fullness after eating, lack of physical tone, heart-burn, and that tired feeling have been cured by them, and the prices places them within reach of everyone. Price, 1s. 3d. per box. The Queensland agents are S. Hoffnung and Co., Brisbane.  Remember when you want Bile Beans be sure you get them, and not some inferior substitute the chemist makes more on.


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